
Company Information

About Omni Tool

Omni Tool Ltd. designs and builds automated assembly systems and tooling for the aerospace, automotive, processing, oil and gas, and industrial sectors.

Located in Windsor, Ontario, Omni Tool supplies a wide range of services including:

Project Management

Engineering Design

Analysis and Validation

Industralization and Manufacturing

Omni Tool has unique expertise in automated assembly systems and tooling.

Omni Tool Manufacturing Facility

Omni Tool’s Service Commitment

Our dedication to accurate documentation, effective troubleshooting, system training, and ongoing support can help you achieve success over the life of your product. From initial start-up and throughout your product’s evolution, Omni Tool is committed to support and service.

Design, Build, Integrate

Since its inception in 1989, Omni Tool has consistently been delivering innovative, tailored and value-added products and services to meet the diverse requirements of its customers.



Omni Tool provides an integrated design of mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and electrical systems.

We use state-of-the-art design tools including SolidWorks, EdgeCAM, Catia AutoCAD and AutoCAD Electrical.




Omni Tool delivers a broad spectrum of fabricating, assembly, and automation services.

Whether your project requires large-scale weldments, small precision details, in quantity or single-piece prototypes, our experienced toolmakers will ensure that every aspect of your project exceeds your expectations.




We create robust systems tailored to your specific application.

By combining custom automation with part feeders, robots, conveyors, part marking, identification, CNC, CMM and more, we can fully automate your processes, increase throughput, and reduce your labour costs.


Our Mission Statement

Omni Tool’s mission is to be recognized as experts in design development and realization of Automated Assembly Systems and Tooling.